Welcome to my practice, where I offer both online and face-to-face sessions in London for individuals and couples. As a professional registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the National Counselling Society (NCS), I adhere strictly to their ethical standards. My practice is grounded in a deep understanding of relationship dynamics, trauma, and the journey of recovery.

My journey into psychotherapy began after experiencing its transformative power first-hand, which shifted my perspective and approach to life. This profound impact motivated me to transition from careers in finance and hospitality to becoming a therapist and coach. My therapeutic framework integrates insights from Psychodynamic, Transpersonal, and Integrative models, enriched by the influential works of Bader-Pearson, Pia Mellody, and Gabor Maté. This approach emphasizes the significance of our relationship with ourselves and its reflection in our interactions with others.

In addition to private practice, I engage with various charities and social enterprises, facilitating workshops and group therapy sessions. My experience also extends to the NHS where I provided focused, short-term therapy and to residential treatment centres supporting young adults recovering from addiction.

My therapeutic approach aims to enhance self-awareness and foster a holistic understanding of how our thoughts, behaviours, and emotions are interconnected. By exploring the relationship between our psychological, emotional and physical states, we can improve self-esteem, process past traumas, and alleviate anxiety.

Therapy with me involves an experiential method where we identify and work through the emotional barriers that hinder intimacy and explore how past relationships influence current behaviours. This process not only helps in healing trauma but also in letting go of maladaptive coping mechanisms, enabling a more authentic choice-driven life.

I utilise an integrative method that draws on Gestalt, Person-Centred, Transpersonal, and Psychodynamic theories. The essence of our work together lies in building a trusting relationship that facilitates awareness, healing, and transformation.